Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There are those who rejoice. I am not among them. Waves of sadness wash over me. I cannot find my smile. She "got it." And even now, I am conflicted. Not about the fact of it. We all need our jobs, and she is, indeed, a superb teacher. "Brilliant," they say, and we all know that brilliant Black folks are in short supply. My sentiments will be misunderstood and misinterpreted. They will think that I am jealous. They will think that I fear losing my "status" as HNIC. They believe we are competitors. What a joke!

There is no justice in this victory. It has been a spectacle, an academic freak show: Black People For Sale-Inquire Inside. The lies and cheating, the unscrupulous behaviors, the comparisons: Oh, she's better than he; the other is stupid, blah, blah, blah. There has been no dignity, no respect in this process. We have sold our souls. They have no souls.

There is no joy in this victory. There is no joy in this victory. There is no joy........ And with that, there is no respect for them, for the process, for the institution. A dear friend who doesn't cry said she cried. I was stunned. That added to my sadness, and so we cry together, but for remarkably different reasons.

And by the way, Stephen Hawking is a brilliant and prolific scholar. Just so you know. Later.

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